How to attach shoe covers with Heat ‘n BOnd
Tutorial time: how I made my Zero Suit shoes using Heat n’ Bond!
1. Here’s what we’re making and where we started: plain wedge heels which will be covered with spandex covers.
Heat n’ Bond is not ideal for every project, but I decided that these shoes were a good candidate because they have a fabric surface and do not flex very much when walking. My goal was to attach the covers without using messy glue which would seep through the fabric.
2. Your spandex shoe covers should be fully assembled before mounting them onto the shoe. Whether they have complex designs or are a single plain color, stitch them together first so that they are ready to be stretched over the shoe and secured.
There are lots of fabulous tutorials online that will teach you to pattern and make shoe covers if you don’t know how. This is not one of them.
3. Using very low heat, apply a layer of Heat n’ Bond to the shoe in the areas you want to secure your cover.
I used a mini craft iron to do this because the tiny heat plate was easier to maneuver over the curves of the heel. My baby iron is by Dritz and works well, but there are lots of brands on the market that would probably compare. Available for 20 USD on amazon and most sewing stores.
4. Stretch your cover over the shoe and pin it into place. I pushed pins completely inside the shoe itself so that they wouldn’t get in my way as I worked. They are pointed upwards away from the tension of the fabric that they are holding in position.
Different projects will require different pin configurations. It’s okay to work in stages of that’s easier to control.
5. Complete the bond by applying heat to the fabric. Because I used metallic spandex, I needed a press cloth to protect the foil finish from heat. Use the lowest temperature that is effective. Work slowly and be careful not to overheat the Heat n’ Bond, which will weaken the bond.
6. Wait for all materials to cool before testing the bond. Once you’re confident that the shoe cover is secure, it’s time to trim off the extra fabric edges.
Using a brand new X-acto knife blade will help you get clean cut through spandex, which can be stubborn otherwise. Replacing your blades is so worth it! Always be careful and work slowly to avoid injury with very sharp blades.
7. All done. You deserve a beer!
Thanks for reading the tutorial. I hope this is helpful to some people!
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